Monday, July 7, 2008

FOR SALE - Hoshikin Kohaku

Most people might say,male fishes have no value or not as valuable as females.To me, I have a different opinion. More importantly it is the quality of the fish itself. Assuming you have a female fish that does not have good quality and it grows very big, you are just admiring the size and not its beauty.In my viewpoint,the beauty of a fish is the quality of the red & shiroji,balance pattern,sharp kiwa, tight sashi and a matching body shape.

The kohaku shown above has everything except it is NOT a FEMALE.Assuming if it is a female, how much do you think you should pay for it? RM 8000.00 to RM10000.00 ? In fact, in most cases, they cost more than what I mentioned.It won 3rd prize in Wakagoi Show 2006 and 1st prize in 45BU Kohaku Category in the Malaysian ZNA Koi Show 2008 beating more than 10 other kohaku of the same category.
Think again!!! :)

Sex: Male

Size: 43cm

Age: Nissai ( 2 years old)

Price: RM3500.00

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