Thursday, March 13, 2008

FOR SALE - Maruyama Kohaku

It is almost unbelievable when I tell most people that this is a MALE fish because of its stout and broad body that makes it look like a female. This fish is from Maruyama - Kagura + Murata bloodline. Its simple Yondan(4 steps) pattern looks neat and clean sashi as well as very sharp kiwa. See the real fish to appreciate it better.

Size: 53cm

Sex: Male

Age: Nissai (2 yrs old)

Price: RM4000.00


cactus400D said...

A nice 4 step Yondan from Maruyama; make a very good show koi. Would be better if it is a female.

Raymond Hew said...

How I wish all my kois are females :) ehehe