Thursday, March 13, 2008

FOR SALE - Sakai Kohaku

This is a stunning Yondan Kohaku (4 steps). Nicely balance red pattern with very beautiful and sharp kiwa. Some may not agree with me because the head patch looks one sided but it is actually a striking point of this fish. Assuming the head patch is even, it will look a little boring and very typical.

Size: 46cm

Sex: Male

Age: Nissai ( 2 yrs old)

Price: RM 2000.00

1 comment:

Moo Yong Yun Mun said...

This is a nice kohaku with good and evenly placed hi plate. I agree with the owner that the head pattern is interesting especially the little " U-hook" beside its left eye. Since the other 3 red steps have been evenly distributed along the body, the lopsided red pattern on the head makes it a unique fish.